Root Amputations and Resections/ Hemisections

Hemisection of a molar denotes removal or separation of a root along with its accompanying part of crown. It is a suitable treatment option when the caries, resorption, perforation, or periodontal damage is restricted to one root while the other root is relatively healthy. Hemisection of the affected tooth helps to retain the tooth structure, surrounding alveolar bone, and may also facilitate the placement of fixed prosthesis. Periodontal, prosthodontics, and endodontic assessment for appropriate selection of cases is important. The treatment options to replace severely damaged and possibly unrestorable teeth include removable partial denture, fixed partial denture, and dental implant. A guiding principle should be to try and maintain what is present. The use of hemisection to retain a compromised tooth offers a prognosis comparable to any other tooth with endodontic treatment.