Management of Trauma

While most traumatic dental injuries occur in children and teenagers, people of all ages can be affected. Usually, such injuries are the result of spons mishaps, automobile accidents or bad falls. No matter what the cause, the type and severity of the injury will deterrnine the treatment necessary.

Dental injuries may affect the inner soft tissue of the tooth, known as the dental pulp. When the injured pulp becomes inflamed or infected, endodontic treatment may be needed. Proper initial care significantly reduces the risk of tooth loss later.

Chipped teeth account for the majority of all dental injuries. Dislodged and knocked-out teeth are examples of less frequent, but more severe, injuries. Treatment depends on the type, location and severity of each injury. Any dental injury, even if apparently mild, requires immediate examination by a dentist or an endodontist. Sometimes, neighboring teeth suffer additional, unnoticed injuries that may not be apparent until weeks, months or even years after the initial dental injury.

Dental trauma often causes intense concern to both the patient and his environment. The correct and immediate treatment lays the foundations for a long-term and satisfactory result, contributing to the preservation of the teeth.